“Another Redskin Bit the Dust”

1942 Sports Scout

I remember my father George saying this while watching John Wayne movies in the 50’s, so whats this to do with the 1942 Sports Scout pictured above?  That man Chris Horner has let his emotions overrule & he has bought the very machine pictured above, it should land here in dusty Australia just in time for winter, glad he got the full guard model they are very rare in Australia & worldwide as the effectively ceased production on 09/02/1942. Nearly 70 years ago very few were produced as WW11 was on the agenda & so began 741 production & we got plenty of these versions. Not much calculation here as exactly 10 years after the above date your webmaster appeared on this planet to the day, which means I’m 60 on Thursday & I reckon the above machine looks in better nick than me!