Sunday Run review is posted & 70,000 + hits
So we hav’nt had rain in over a month, but as Chief-Rain-in-the-Face is our Association Patron it absolutely ” p….d” down after stinking hot and windy in the morning, thanks again Chief. Peter Kime has reviewed the run in Victoria Section News (note these now have seperate areas)so for a good read about the weekend, enjoy. The “Black- Bastard” disgraced itself by picking up some foreign matter in the sump valve and then wet sumping after going on the trailer I fixed it at Peter’s place( thanks Pete) & rode it home with Sport Scout owning Sam Vella, in torrential rain. Until this time Sam suggested I changed the name to “Black Beauty” I think by now he agrees that the original name is the best, it was good to new members Rick, & Daryl out for the first time, Ric’s Indian Trail Blazer is a “cracker”, Daryl was either going home on the big Honda to burn his newly acquired 1947 Chief, or do a “flat out ” restoration to get it going after nearly being asphyxiated riding behind me, sorry mate. 70,000 hits & much more to come thanks for your support