Over 295 photos to enjoy

I have put  295 photo’s of the recent Gypsie Tour 2012 in the Event Gallery this is a huge file but the pictures are stunning, well worth viewing of what Australia can be like from the Train trip to West Australia to the ride back complete with hot weather, then rain, the breakdowns & the frustrations are all on the pictures as well a the stunning scenery. These are photos well worth a view, click on the Link below & enjoy. Some of you will remember the humour surrounding Springfield Indians fuel consumption, you know ” Comparing a Indian to any other motorcycle is like comparing a Hummer to a Prius, or like a 747 on take off with the choke locked on” the petrol Bowser above shows a typical Springfield Indian re-fuel, oh you ask,Why is the litres so high? easy he forgot to turn the engine off while filling it up!

Gypsie Tour 2012  Link