Airey’s Inlet Ride Report

Aryes inlet

Weather predicted to be windy with showers. Ready to roll from Point Cook weather looked OK then 1st shower came across, on with wet weather gear. Good turn up at Point Cook.Phil Pilgrim – Vincati,Michael Dietrich  – 48 Chief,Dave Kimpton – Valencia Chief,Mick and Paul – Daves mates on Suzukis,Peter Kime – Yamaha,Sally and Jason Douglas (Peters Daughter and Son in Law) Driving back up with the HR Holden and Trailer.Picked up Daryl and Georgia Colt in Geelong.Decided to head down the freeway , the clouds looked black over the You Yangs so Little River was avoided.Ride down to Geelong was uneventful , wind had picked up and blew us around a bit, but no rain. Easy ride with every one keeping together.Turned off the freeway at the Hamilton Hwy exit and picked up Daryl and Georgia Colt waiting at the exit ramp. Had brief chat then back on to the freeway heading for the Anglesea turn off.Got about 3 km down the Anglesea Rd when the rain hit again, fairly heavy but only lasted a couple of minutes before the sun came out and we enjoyed a pleasant run down through Anglesea and on to Aireys Inlet. Paul Freemasons ‘60s Diner is just outside of Aireys Inlet, we turned into a newly laid carpark and parked right at the diner door.They have now opened a store next to the Diner which sells all sorts of Man Cave stuff and was worth a look through. They have also opened a Malt Shop in the front of the Diner which has a 57 Chev highly modified with a  sound system under the bonnet that looks like a blower. Before lunch Paul Freemason took us on a guided tour of his cars. The car area is not open to the public but Paul is very obliging when a club asks for a tour. He gives a run down on every vehicle in his collection and a bit of a chat about himself. Paul originally started racing on bikes and still has his Honda 750 that he raced back in the 70s.Lunch was standard 60s tucker, hamburgers you needed to dislocate your jaw to get your mouth around. We all enjoyed the meal and the view from the diner. Sat around chatting for a while and waited for the wind to die down and the showers to stop.Left Aireys Inlet about 2:00pm, fuelled up and headed back towards Melbourne. The short section of the Great Ocean Road to Anglesea is a great ride, not too many tight twisty bits and provides great views out over the ocean. The ride back to the highway was uneventful except for the Kookaburra who tried to play chicken with the Yamaha missed the bike and hit me on the leg , he did 3 barrel rolls, hit the road bounced twice and I think got air born again.Dropped Daryl and Georgia at the Geelong turn off and headed back down the highway for pleasant cruise to Werribee for a refuel and split off to head for home. Lost site of the HR for a while, mud guard broke its bracket and went for the bush. Jason stopped and retrieved a rather sad looking mudguard.

Peter Kime