Another Year and a new committee


With all the changes at your recent AGM we have quite a few new committee members who are enthusiastly ready to help your Association. All the new committee delegates are listed along with some of the originals in the Contacts Area of this website. Basically this is one of the first years since our inception 6 years ago that we hav’nt had to ask for nominations so I can only hope this shows a group of enthusiastic office bearers which are there to help you enjoy your time spent on our calendar events. The thing is the committee requires positive feedback and this can be done by face-face,email or fax no one on the committee is a paid member, we are all doing to job for the “love of it” so please bear that in mind, remember if there is a change in direction & sometimes it won’t suit all members, but as this is a democracy the majority will have the final say, as has happened in the past. Our Charter in the first few lines says we are all here to have “Fun,Fun,Fun” and that’s what its all about.