Hi All
Following on from my recent email, I want to keep you updated on club activities. With border restrictions changing rapidly, we are constantly reviewing our forward activities.
Thanks to Richard Onyon for a successful Midnight Express rally last Saturday night, the run was great fun and those who attended enjoyed the rally.
Upcoming events are always shown on the club calendar on the website and I encourage you to keep yourselves updated on club activities.
There have been a couple of changes since I last contacted you.
The March rally to Warrnambool has been moved to April, from the 16th to the 18th. This avoids having 2 monthly events in succession. We are keen to have a few rides, but not everyone can do 2 months in a row.
In its place, on Sunday March 14th, Richard Onyon has arranged a Trials bike riding day. This is aimed at teaching road riders some of the finer points of balance and control at slow speed and is great fun as well. 
The day is limited to a maximum of 12 people, 6 in the morning & 6 in the afternoon, with lunch in the middle. The cost is $280 per person. I’ve attached a link to the website for more information. If you are interested, could you please confirm with Richard on 0414466966 as soon as possible.http://trialsexperience.com.au/?gclid=CjwKCAiAjeSABhAPEiwAqfxURecBFg-uKoBo5dIauZRTLjnJCkmWYvNbqS1JRGf5uJPF6v-qsXQEIxoC0-UQAvD_BwE

The Inverloch weekend is fully booked, thank you all for arranging your own accomodation, Noel has arranged another wonderful weekend for us all. Don’t forget to bring your $30 ride fee in cash if possible. With Peter Kime being unable to manage the fees due to his recent ill health, we would appreciate your help with this.
Peter, it is great to hear that you are on the mend and our thoughts are with you and your family as you return to health.
Monthly meetings commence on Tuesday 23rd Feb at the Pascoevale Hotel from 7.30pm for an 8pm start.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Alistair Piercy

Guess what as of 23 of February meetings at the Pascoe Vale Hotel are on again as things are seemingly returning to normal. Before that the Midnight Express is on and you will soon be getting texts again about whats happening as Richard Onyon is helping out while Pete Kime is in for a tune-up and service, in the meantime the photo above is of a Midnight Express taken 8 years ago when they used to start at Midnight and in Winter, these were me were men & women were men, we have got soft now and we start at Twilight and finish usually on Midnight and in Summer. The next one is on 30th of this month all details in the calendar.

With a full calendar of events on the close horizon The Midnight Express (Jan), The Sitting Bull Rally, (Feb) and The new Warrnambool Rally (March) not and after those events the first Sunday ride days till we hit the Rain in the Face rally late May, onto the Crazy Horse rally at Yackandandah in October with the Christmas Party ride to LLannelly in Dec. seriously there is no excuse after 116 days lockdown last year your bike should be honed to perfection and you should be itching to go.

I wish all members of the Iron Indian Riders a happy New Year, lets hope things start to get better because when your at the bottom of the “J” curve things hopefully can only get better. So whats on this year for us the Midnight Express is being organised for the 30th of Jan as is the Sitting Bull Rally in 12/14 February just to make things busier the first Sunday of the month ride days start on 7th Feb and hopefully the 10 day Anniversary Rally to S Aust is on in early March (now cancelled and replaced with Autumn Rally week-end), but with things the way they are with Covid-19 who knows. As for formal meetings they are off till the Pascoe Vale Hotel can have more than the minimum amounts of people allowed in their premises. We have had two of our most active members struck down with ill health last year Chris Horner & Pete Kime, Chris is well on the mend and Pete hopefully gets out of hospital very soon all the best chaps. Mark Barthelmie has done a “tree change” and moved down to Warragul from Mordialloc and appears to be loving it, buisness as usual for our Mark at Crazy Horse so he is itching for orders of spares for your Indian (0466229747). Beside that for me its “back to the grind” and I opened up yesterday after 10 days off, you know what, I’m looking forward to the weekend to Inverloch already.

On behalf of the Committee, I wish to extend our best wishes to you and your family for Xmas and the New Year.
After a massive year of change, we look forward to a more normal 2021. During the past year we had several trips, along with our monthly rides, cancelled or postponed. We look forward to resuming these in 2021.
The recent Yackandandah rally was well attended and great fun. If you would like to come & join your fellow club members on an upcoming ride, there are several planned for next year.
In particular, we have the following rides:  
January 30th 2021 – Midnight Express, where we tear around the outskirts of Melbourne probably to Yarra Glen and Kinglake on a warm summer’s evening.
This is followed by Noels famous Sitting Bull Rally at Inverloch – where you get to explore the hinterland of Gippsland and some of the wonderful riding to be had in this part of the world. This is over the weekend of 12 to 14th February.As it’s Valentine’s day, bring your partner and book a room for the weekend.
In 2020, it was the club’s 10th Anniversary. We were due to hold a 10 day ride to South Australia, travelling near the main highway over 4 days, have a 2 day look around Adelaide, including the National Motor Museum, then ride back along the coast, through the Coorong, down the Limestone Coast to Mt Gambier & its blue lake, then back towards Nelson, Portland and the wonders of Port Fairy & Warrnambool, before returning to our lives in Melbourne.
That didn’t happen!
So, we’ve decided to in place of it hold another rally instead replacing it with a Autumn Rally to Warrnambool March 12-14
The club website calendar shows all these activities, so don’t be shy in looking them up & coming along. If you’d like to join one of the rides, contact Phil Pilgrim 0400922022, we would love to see more members having fun & enjoying the countryside.
Remember that motorcycles were designed to be ridden, they just rust in garages and nobody gets to hear your stories.
So have yourselves the best Xmas and we look forward to seeing you all on a ride in the New Year.
Alistair Piercy President Iron Indian Riders Australia

The Crazy Horse Rally 2020 was most memorable at Yackandandah last weekend plenty of people, good meals, excellent accomodation and a fantastic ride on the Saturday although 39C it was good to escape the recent lockdown. Gary Hogg led the ride and nobody broke down or got lost which was remarkable, new member Jon Shea (pictured in the sidecar) had a great time and as a ex-superbike and MX rider was very happy with his recently acquired 1946 Chief and is itching for the next rally in Inverloch come early February, he’s pictured with Club Captain Owen Jones as a passenger in a outfit, so impressed he’s looking for a sidecar chassis to cart his dog around. The only problem with our events is they are not long enough and we eat to much, beside that roll on the Sitting Bull in Feb, our new Clubman of the year was announced Sandy Ayres the first time a woman has won it, congrats Sandy.

Just Hanging out

So after 116 days of living like a hermit and now being let loose after 28 days of triple doughnuts (no deaths, no new cases) we can get back to normal, this weekend is the 10th Crazy Horse rally at a new venue Yackandandah, and although the weather forecast is hot, damn hot but I would ride through the gates of hell just to get out with my mates on a ride. The big 37C on Saturday will sort the 22 riders out the men from the boys but with such a good roll up seems like they are all as keen as me. Gary Hogg is primed to lead us through the Alpine areas and being a local knows it like the back of his hand, normally we are complaining about wet weather but this time I’ve dumped the waterproofs, needless to say the bike has had 116 days of maintenance so hopefully it should perform well. Of course on the 13th December our Christmas Party is on at Llanney and $20 a head BYO the departure time and meeting point is on the calendar please book early with Pete Kime to avoid disappointment people wishing to go up there the day earlier will be welcome to camp overnight.