An Engagement, Corbin & Stewart-Warner speedo supplies & job offers
Congratulations to Vice-President Mark Barthelmie on his engagement to Sandy Ayre the first of such things in our Association, I believe wedding plans are in place for middle of 2012 all the best Mark & we look forward to meeting Sandy next week at the Sunday Monthly Run on 04/12/11
Occasionally I mention the Links area as there are many great suppliers that I and others in our Association have used with good results in the past. I have just added a guy in Canada, Janous Napierala that has in past offered great service, on ebay his tag is “Speedo Rat” the web site is a wealth of hard to get parts i.e. speedo,drives,tags,distributors etc for nearly all model Indians, although most things are listed “ring for a price” it’s worth it. I have had a “Red Bar “Corbin overhauled by a well known local Victorian agent at vast expense in the past & after 3 times gave up with severe needle flicking between 40-60 MPH which now is repaired properly by Janous (click on highlight) Just noticed in Saturdays AGE newspaper Victory M/cycles advertising for marketing, sales reps & potential agents for Indian to contact them anyone need a job, click on link below