Do you like reading ride reports?
I often wonder about other pages on the website, do people read anything except Stop Press or look at the Events Calendar, recently I eliminated two title pages off the site and nobody said they were missed which makes one think what else is not needed. Do people look at say, Period Adverts, YouTube links, Members Area, or the Links Page for that matter & all have to be updated, the Victoria Section Area reviewing the Monthly Rides are probably good to inspire people to go on rides but again who reads them beside me or the poor bugger who writes them. Peter Kime one of the editors of last weekends ride agrees with me the reports are needed to show an active membership the ride reported on this month is rather unique as it was one of the first aimed at the post Springfield models being a reasonably long ride a highway speeds although Phillip White rode “Chips” to prove a Springfield model will “cut the mustard” and stay with the late models. In future we may end up with two monthly rides one for late models and another for Springfield versions that way we can cater for more of our members needs, what are your thoughts chaps?