Gypsy Tour of Tasmania 2024
Been a few years since we have had a Gypsy Tour but now Covid-19 is behind us we have organised another in March 2024 dates are listed on the calendar there will be a back-up vehicle provided to carry some luggage a small sports (sausage) bag per person the rest will be carried on your own machine. The ride will be around 15 days ands open to all Indian’s of any era as well as B.E.A (British,European,American) up to 1975 no other entries outside this parameter! We will not be organising your ferry booking or motel bookings and there will be a fee to provide fuel for the back-up vehicle, a list of suggested motels will be announced soon but the major issue is booking the Spirit of Tasmania do it now if you are considering going. More to be announced soon or ring Phil Pilgrim 0400922022