How do I ride a Indian?
This was a question asked by a old mate & new member Dave Kimpton,I get alot of people saying they can’t ride a right hand gearchange Triumph (pre-1976) this seems insignificant compared to a Indian. Guy Allan in a past blog (Hand me that Shifta) was worried at that time riding “The Back Bastard” my old 1948 Chief, hard to believe he now is a hard riding 1947 Roadmaster owner now, so how do you teach a modern bike rider to get on your favourite Indian, point out the foot clutch, kickstart, and the hand shift, then if you want to make it hard explain advance & retard methods or even on some bikes the twistgrip on the opposite side! The pictures above prove even Indian had thoughts on the subject this 1948 brochure helped, the 1944 Army Manual obviously did’nt if you look at the 841 rider learning in the desert!