Little River Run
Saturday’s Little River Run turned up an interesting mix of machinery – even by our standards – plus one of two challenges for young Chris Horner.The bikes included two Gilroy Chiefs, a Kings Mountain bike, a rigid frame Army Scout, a plunger rear Sport Scout (albeit using Holden power rather than its own) a BSA Hornet, two Bonnevilles, a Virago, plus a Springfield Chief.Horner’s lovely Sport Scout is still at the being-sorted stage and ended up throwing in the towel. Which meant Peter Kime dashed off to the rescue with his trusty HR Holden. That wasn’t before Horner had the unusual thrill of pushing a motorcycle over the Westgate Bridge.So does he have any advice for anyone thinking of undertaking this unusual form of exercise?”Don’t,” is the emphatic response.”And if you do, don’t look back!” Apparently the sight of six solid lanes of angry traffic heading straight at you is a somewhat daunting one.It all ended well. The Little River pub was flat out and serves a pretty decent meal. Also, Ian Rhook did his usual great job of finding some weird and wonderful back roads.
Meanwhile, work on the next Smoke Signals magazine is well under way and it should be out soon. This will be the last edition on your ‘old’ membership – so don’t forget to renew.