Our Clubman of the Year
The IIRA has only one award in the year & as such it is a honour for the recipient to receive it, last year our Ride co-ordinator Ian Rhook won it for his attitude to get on with the job with no “mucking about” and set a lot of our excellent monthly rides without anyone getting lost & encouraged many new members. This year it was given to Peter Kime for his enthusiastic support for all things in the Association but most importantly for the trouble he personally went to last year in helping a fellow member stranded on the road with a bad insect bite. Pete arranged the rider to be taken to hospital then organised to get the Indian Blackhawk home so his day was ended looking after a fellow member. The whole idea which some members don’t quite understand is the meaning of this award or what it’s for, not the fact that you attended all the meetings or rode a Indian to all the runs/rallies etc these are great things to do to support your Association but & it’s a big but, the main thing is the tolerance & the human element thats shown to your fellow members or even other motorcyclists whatever brand or year motorcycle they ride. Congratulations Pete