No need to be Red faced on your Red Indian
If you have a bike on Club Plates and have not paid your Association subscription by June 30 YOU maybe responsible for a few people being Red Faced. First, your Association secretary is required BY LAW to advise VicRoads of any member who ceases to remain financial, who has a Red plate issued thru your Association. Irrespective of the status of your payments to VicRoads – once this happens your bike is legally UNREGISTERED. So let’s try to avoid Peter Kime being Red Faced by paying your club dues TODAY. Second, if you are stopped by the Police or a VicRoads officer, while riding your Association Registered bike but without being a current financial member of our Association, the police office may well be Red Faced as he issues you with a $706 fine plus 4 points off your licence for operating an unregistered vehicle. And finally, you may well be Red Faced when you are prevented by the same officer from riding away from the scene, being forced to leave the bike where it is till you can arrange to have it transported (in the hope you can do so before it’s damaged or stolen). So, please help all retain their composure by ensuring you get your membership renewal form (below) and payment to Pete now.Those paid up before the end of July get a free Indian 16 month calendar produced by IIRA worth $30.00
New member Harald Schaaf’s 1944 Chief he’s all paid up
2013 Membership Application form (download)