Plenty to do,so little time

The General (Ian Wallace)
This month has been very busy with The Great Race,Bikes by the Bay & Sitting Bull Rally (this weekend for the latter) chucked in the middle has been a rally for your webmaster last weekend at Bright, run by the Classic M/cycle Club of Victoria.I rode another brand, a Vincati but our Warrnambool member Ian Wallace was the only Indian owner on his trusty 741, Ian unfortunately came off on a bend on Sunday and although a bit sore & sorry he is ok & so is his Indian, best regards to him from all of his fellow IIRA Members.Peter Kime has just sent a report on the Bikes by the Bay meeting from last Sunday I have put it in the Victoria Section News. This weekend as you all know is the Sitting Bull Rally at Albury should be a great time, only thing is 3 weeks in a row I have driven up the Hume Freeway what a dead boring drive that is. Guido has informed me that the Smoke Signals is out next week for all financial members so it will be another bumper issue as he has plenty to report on the Great Race & learning to drive a hand change model. Lastly 80,000 + hits on the site in under 2 years thanks for tuning in folks keeps the pressure up to produce a current website, nothing worse than some sites no changes for month’s if not years