Seems to be a trend
I just received the Bendigo Clubs Newsletter “The Good oil”and the editorial makes interesting reading which I have reproduced it below, notice any similarities? I have to agree with Pam & Rex Jones here as it seems to be a trend in our Association as well, the problem with this is it’s a slippery slide to being a social club only that talks bench racing about motorcycling, the rallies and rides are seriously neglected as in the end nobody will organise any rides because they are disappointed with the numbers that turn up. The shame is that soon the real riders in the club leave for obvious reasons and numbers decline. We have produced a 16 month calendar for all current financial members listing all of our major events, rides and meetings so you reckon we could get a number of people planning at least a year in advance, and you know what a large majority will attend other clubs events and not their own Association events why? In a fortnight we have the 2nd Tee-Pee Rally good rides & a camping week-end with all meals & rides catered for by our friends at the Bendigo Club for a small expense, it would be nice to have a healthy number of 20 or more turn up but I bet that wont happen! If you are attending please contact Peter Kime 0409 798641 and give him your details as it helps with the food and catering etc that’s needed
Recent discussion with Rex Jones over a cup of tea revealed an interesting trend in our club over the last couple of years. This is the apparent lack of interest in members participating in club runs. This seems to have coincided with the introduction of the new Permit Scheme and was a prediction at the time the scheme was being considered. Even after the revelation that there are “mutterings around the traps” that the Club never has any runs anymore only the usual few turn up at any organised event and yet our meetings are always very well attended. The most logical reason for the lack of enthusiasm for going on runs is of course that permit holders are no longer reliant on club events to be able to ride their bikes. This leads on to a statement by Rex that unless he gets more show of interest in what should be a very popular event, that is the TTT Rally, he would have to abandon it. His reasons are that in spite of the wasteful publishing of application forms in the newsletter only two members have entered the rally. Furthermore members do not consider the organisation that has to be done in catering for what might be a flop which costs your Club lots of money and waste of effort by the same volunteers again. So what’s it to be— sit on your bum and grumble or take part and have some simple fun?