Spring is in the air
It started off with a bang now its back to winter the Fathers Day Ride did’nt happen this year the first in over 10 years we hav’nt had one and of course seeing there was’nt a ride on the weather was magnificent! Anyway I had domestic maintenance to do although and that did not help my mind frame, Dave Kimpton asked me about perhaps if anybody wants to list a ride that is not one of our quarterly events what would you do, easy contact either your webmaster or put it up on our Facebook page that would work for anybody that wants a weekend ride away over a couple of nights as well. We are just over 6 weeks out from the annual Crazy Horse Rally Corryong in October, time to pull your finger out and book the Mountain View Motel all the details on the calendar , also the Gypsy Tour of Tassie 2024 if your thinking of going book the Ferry NOW as some of the departure dates are booked OUT already, which means you will have to leave a day earlier. This has been listed over two months now so don’t complain, remember only association eligible bikes which is Indian’s of any era and B.E.A (British,European,American) up to 1976 the Expression of Interest was in your last Smoke Signals and are also available if you ring me 0400922022. We now have a new Secretary Wayne Smith as Phil Pilgrim has at last found somebody to take up the position which he took over reluctantly 12 months ago, congratulations Wayne. Lastly if not least if you hav’nt renewed your subs by now after all the reminders and messages we can only expect your not going to & if you had a red plate bike with us it is now not registered and will need to have a RWC to transfer to another club thanks for your time with us.