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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Pub & Grub 2024 date change

Please note the date changes for this event 2 weeks earlier than the date originally posted now 25-28 October, the accomodation to be announced later this month and the riders […]

It’s that time of year

Yes winter and its cold, also school holidays, EOFY, and a recession, beside that and Zarkie’s heated motorcycle clothing doing a roaring trade there is the AGM coming up 30/07/24 […]

Road Rage, its a mental condition

  Recently I received a email from a USA firm about alerting all to the the mental condition causing road rage, I have never thought about it being described as […]

Your new editor

Guess what surprisingly we have a willing member wishing to take over the reigns as editor he’s listed in the Contacts page for you to email all those articles you’ve […]