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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Some family resemblence

When you compare side by side photos, the similarities are clearly evident. Basically, an Octane is a low priced Scout, achieved by eliminating all the chrome. I doubt there’s any […]

Scout, the way the factory should make them

The Scout is one of Indians best-selling products even in Australia, I have one but the beauty of the modified versions above make me wish mine was like the “Fusion” […]

Upside-down Fours and who likes hillclimbing?

Indian built upside-down Fours in the thirties and this picture is of the era hopefully the rider survived, those days it would be repaired easily these days it would take […]

The Bendigo club has the same problem

The ongoing costs on delivery of hardcopy newsletters is getting worse, I have reproduced with their permission the efficiency of the post and thats pretty slow Dear BHMCC Member, As […]