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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Christmas comes but once a year

Is the season to be jolly etc etc as the jingle goes so lets review the past year to see what “presents” you have received, the shake up of committee […]

Christmas Party 10-12-22

The Christmas party will be on again this year at the Cross Keys Hotel  Saturday 10th at 7pm the menu is below please  RSVP to Don McDonald (0402107895) ASAP Christmas […]

Crazy Horse 2022 review

A cracking Rally well supported by members who were elated with the ride to Jindabyne on Saturday. Yes the old rally was back with a bang Gary Hogg a native […]

Up and running

It’s been along time coming but the new website is at last up & running thanks to Richard Monty from the Geek Team, the new e-mag Smoke Signals is also […]