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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

A new venue

After 8 years we have decided to try another venue for our meetings on the last Tuesday of the month its the Cross Keys Hotel 350 Pascoe Vale Essendon 3040, […]

Time to get your Indian in order

It’s hard to realise in the depths of this chilly winter that in a little over 6 weeks the weather will be approaching those warmer days of course we are […]

The same old story now with BSA

By now you are probably well aware of the new BSA Gold Star that is just being released in UK and hopefully here as well soon. It draws a lot […]

Rally Basics

A few ground rules: Participants that insist on holding their own rally by coming days earlier and not doing our full 2 days itinerary, or deciding to eat elsewhere will […]