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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Harley trade ins at Indian dealers

  We have discussed this in the past, about where do you buy a “Poor Man’s Indian” at your local Indian dealers of course, the photo on top shows them […]

International Midnight Express? Roll on 2016

  Once upon a time I was in a club that when they held an event and someone who had attended  was from another country it was immediately tagged “International” […]

Whats happened since the sixties

  A mate just sent me this link on “Ton-up Rockers” in Britain circa 1964, wow how things have changed from bikies doing good things to wasters pimping, and running […]

The Sidecar option?

  I have ridden sidecars now for over 43 years the first was a Vincent Rapide with a double adult sidecar  that I rode down the Motor Registration branch, a […]