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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Yet another Scout Review with sex appeal

“The Indian Scout is a good value, has great sex appeal and, most importantly, it’s easy to ride.” Read more: I have read quite a number of these reviews […]

New Harley outfit released & 600,000 hits

New 2015 Harley outfit just released for the Aussie market with the sidecar fitted to the left, should be an instant seller and very up to the minute specs as […]

RACV were there for who?

The RACV in their wisdom have decided to forget their roots and support bicyclists, as they don’t pay registration costs or support the RACV unless there wife and kids are […]

Proof about Indian 4’s

  Not long ago I mentioned about Indian 4″s not being used and having almost reached mythical status seems the recent collection of them pictured above bears out my point. […]