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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Its Harley Friday

Yes time to poke more fun at our Bogan cousins on their H-D”s, never mind keep saving boys then you can afford to buy a Indian. (click on image to […]

1955 Indians in the Sierra

       ( Click on each page to enlarge) Winter reading for those people who misguidingly thought Indian stopped in 1953 till 2014 we have a great touring article, and […]

500,000 + Hits and more to come

  Time to reflect, in April 2010 the Iron Indian Riders of Aust had its first meeting, after the start we all agreed a “Indian was an Indian” whatever year […]

Things written in Indian engines

  Last Sundays ride the first stop at John Bennett ‘s in Kinglake, this is a shed tour of perhaps mammoth proportions as John makes tinware ie fuel tanks, guards […]