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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

It’s that time of year again, 22 reasons and more to pay your subs

It’s the time when your subscriptions are due and you look to see the value your subscription to the IIRA and any  clubs motorcycle or not have given you, I […]

Indian & Bugatti lots of similarities

  So whats similar to a car plenty, Bugatti started in 1909 Indian in 1901 Ettori Bugatti died in 1947 the company struggled on to the early 1950″s same as […]

Indian News W.Aust No 30

  The Monthly Indian News of W.Aust is in, I always look forward to what our sister affiliate club is doing over in the West, just click on the picture […]

Australian Indian History in snapshots

On odd occasions photos turn up on Facebook which are period shots of early pioneers on Indian’s the first one is in Darling Downs, the second in Tasmania this shot […]