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More rusty Hogs & jokes

  Last week I showed a picture of a rusty Hog, years ago a customer told me of a WLA he buried at Kinglake after a fit of madness he […]

841 is Announced in 1943

 Click on thumbnail The amazing thing about this article is the fact they mention that with 500 x 16 tyres this machine was capable of traversing terrain that other vehicles […]

Winter is a great time for restoration & a new ride policy

Just when your bike seems sorted & your ready to go for a blast, the weather closes in and its wet & cold. Well you could go and buy another […]

1953 When Indian sold the biggest and smallest

In 1953 Indian had lots to sell, Big Eighty cube Chiefs, Norton’s, Excelsior, & Vincent to name a few. The centre of attraction in this era is not the big […]