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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

California Dreamers or are they?

Californians are the most prolific viewers of our site out of all the states in USA, well over 2,200 hits and twice as many as anybody else in America, the […]

All Editions of W.Aust Indian News are ready to read

  Our Affiliate Club The Indian Club of W.Aust always sends their monthly news letters Indian News they are painfully put together by Murray Morrel and I always anticipate a […]

This is before the 1950 Torque-Evener

  Ever wondered what a Torque Evener would be like on your old pre-1950 Indian Chief, without a major tear-down & at least $1,000 in cold hard cash laid out. […]

The Indian of the Future?

  Zorro’s has a small list of new products in stock click on the link below, the picture above is somebodys idea of a low flying Indian, at least there […]