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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Shame the Christmas (Parties) once a year

  The IIRA annual Christmas Party was a great success at Zorro’s Apparel thank you Mark & Chrissie for all your effort, the really great thing was one of our […]

Another 8 valve Indian from USA

  This board tracker Indian has recently been purchased from USA and is now in Queensland, it is in my mind Indian in its purist form, imagine seeing this machine […]

Cheap Roadside Breakdown Cover

    Ever had that sinking feeling when there is a run and no back-up vehicle, personally I havent as I have confidence in my motorcycles but even I worry […]

The Axe Effect

  This Harley Davidson is sporting the latest look. It’s called The Axe Effect it is created by leaving your disgruntled wife alone with an axe and your motorcycle! ( Thanks […]