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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Times have changed, Thank God

Recently I noticed a new Indian video on the new Chieftan with a large number of factory riders on the new product all different nationalities & races, which shows how […]

Ever wonder why Harley will find opposition like this hard to beat?

     Easy to see when you see how big Polaris is and how motorcycles are only a small piece of their profit margin, bet the Harley-Ferguson Motor Co regret […]

Lighthearted view of the new Indian-Crocker 4

Five new club magazines from  Indian Motorcycle Club of West Aust (our affiliate club) are now in the W.A Section news for you to read. I would like to thank Murray […]

No more Rego Stickers (unless you are on a permit)

  Vic Roads have at last scrapped registration labels on all vehicles on full rego as of the 01/01/14 that is unless you have a vehicle on a Red Plate […]