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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Rod Leamon Memorial Run

Beside every one arriving late on daylight saving (remember Spring forward, Fall or Autumn back for clock setting) we had a morning tea stop at Lilydale at the pie shop, […]

Were criminals tougher in the old days?

We were on themes a few articles ago,cops/soldiers, armour,sidecars & machine guns all go together, same as left hand throttle’s when you have a Thompson machine gun on your solo […]

The Crazy Horse was a great success

The Crazy Horse rally was fantastic the weather even turned out well, the rides organized by Garry Hogg were honed to perfection, as well as the Saturday Morning Tea stop […]

The forgotton Indian Scouts

In 1949 Indian decided Triumph’s,BSA,& Norton were selling “like hot cakes” in America as they were easier to control & ride than big heavyweight Indian’s & H-D’s of yore, so […]