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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Phillip & Dorothy’s White’s Adventures

Some of our more colourful members Phillip & Dorothy White have been missed for our midst for close to 5 months now, they have been staying in France & have […]

It’s that time of year again, beside winter

    It’s that time of the year for renewing your Association membership. Midnight on June 30 is the crunch time on which your Iron Indian Riders, Victoria Section membership […]

Ouch! and more Ouch’s

Always sad to see a crashed motorcycle a Indian even more so, these six are over 90 years apart & I’m not sure how the riders of each made out […]

Where can I get Spares for my Indian?

Two of the above people will be glad to help & the first one is member John”Straw” who runs Antique Motorcycles 03 9583 9922 in Cheltenham Melbourne. John is a colourful […]