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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

All British Rally this week-end

This week-end you can ride your Indian into the BSA owners 33rd All British Rally at Newstead Victoria, usually there are over 1000-1400 attending those on non-British Machines can park […]

How do I ride a Indian?

This was a question asked by a old mate & new member Dave Kimpton,I get alot of people saying they can’t ride a right hand gearchange Triumph (pre-1976) this seems […]

Indian Ticklers!!! Give me a Linkert

Restore or Leave?

Two photos for the “Don’t touch & leave it as found brigade”, because the “patina” cant be reproduced so they say, well here are a couple of Indians that may […]