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Stop Press Articles

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Different subjects

As news is thin on the ground till next week when the new Indian Motorcycle engine is released the first since the famous “bottle cap ” engine in 2002 I […]

Guido’s 1947 on YouTube

Smouldering Embers is out on email today & Guido has a YouTube Video of his new 1947  74 cu Chief . There is a video included, thanks to Motorcycle Trader […]

Lakes & Craters & great week-end

Ian Rhook & the Camperdown lads pulled another fantastic week-end off with good weather except for 20 minutes on Saturday we had a memorable Rally, roll-on 2014. This was well […]

Anniversary of the end of the 4 & Sports Scout

Kids & motorcycles, whatever the era they always love them. I remember always looking at the speedo to see how fast the machine went ” Wow this one does 150 […]