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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

The first Ride of the Year

 Sunday 3rd of Feb, the IIRA first club ride for the year Daryl Colt kindly organised a great tour. We meet at the Shell Laverton out bound service station 9am […]

The Greatest Race!

The Great Race 2013, wow what a event, Harley-Ferguson won this year, after three in a row for Indian we had to give it to them, Iron Indian Riders were […]

Sitting Bull Entry, & 180,000 Hits, and no time to cut the lawn

It’s on again the N.S.W Section has got the dates out for the Sitting Bull 2013, ask for Mark at the Boomerang Hotel (02)6025 1711 for bookings in the courtyard […]

Your R1 needs This

Solid tyres wear well  they say, a bit more on the Ackerman wheels is on our YouTube Area. I wonder if the wheel would distort at 300+ KPH (joking)