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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Other Indian’s in six forms

By now you will have realized my curiosity for odd Indian’s as over the 2 years our site has been running I have put everything from V8’s to snow ploughs […]

Eastward Ho!

  Phillip White has another article (Eastward Ho) in the wings for the forthcoming Smoke Signals Magazine, I have had a preview & it is a great read,the photo’s above […]

Crazy Horse a big success

The third Crazy Horse Rally was a great success with people from West Australia, NSW and Victoria turning up. A special hello to Mike and Ben from WA, who rode […]

Indian motorcycle Club of W.A

  We are honoured to have had a letter of affiliation from the Indian motorcycle Cub of West Australia, this has always been a priority of the IIRA to foster […]