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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Queen’s Birthday, Cruel Brittania

Just a bit of humour for the Queen’s Birthday Week-end holiday I could have been all patriotic & put a picture of our ruler in UK, you know the one […]

Sam is Fine & on the mend

I went & paid Sammy Vella a visit yesterday it was good to see him at Brunswick Private Hospital in Moreland Rd, he seems in good spirits considering he is […]

How Quick are You?

Chris Horner sent this in as a test to see how fast you react, for instance when you see a car doing a right-hand turn in front of you which […]

Winters cold, but the tools are blazing hot

Our Association patron Chief-Rain in the -Face pictured above is working full tilt on cold & wet Winter Rides last week- end a sample, this brings me to mention a […]