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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Our Indian Family & Alvin

The cute photo above came from Indian-Victory in Charlotte thanks for that, this is a good representative  period shot of a fifties Indian motorcycle family, these days our Indian family […]

“A Kernel into a Nut”

Phil Irving (P.E.I) said the above statement about the fit of the Vincent into a Chief frame he was right it is very very close, Saturday was consumed with Sam […]

Revenge is Sweet & Meeting next Tuesday night

Wet Sumping, this was a problem that cropped up twice on the “Black Bastard” which is currently being converted into a Vindian, in it’s former guise it did it on […]

100,000 hits deserves a treat

  Yes 100,000 hits in 19 months it’s great & deserves a treat for our readers, the first is from the late Phil Irving  printed in Motorcycle Action 1975, this is […]