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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Would you restore this 4?

Guy Allen (Guido)was on about “RAT Bikes” recently, and the subject turned to unrestored vs Sh*t heaps, always a bit of a Sh*t stirrer this set me thinking when is […]

New Members,New Secretary & 90,000 hits are Reasons to Celebrate

Stevie Higginbotham has two reasons to celebrate, one a grandson Cody pictured below who he has joined up into our Association( free for members under 18) he is our youngest […]

Who was Harold Parsons?

    Harold Albert (Ranji) Parsons was born in 1893 and lived at 22 Hoddle Street, Richmond. He became a mechanic at Turner Brothers, Harley-Davidson agents in 1916.He won many […]

Stereo-type Images

                The images of various motorcycle owners always amuse me, I was having a conversation with Mark Barthelmie our V-Prez recently at the […]