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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

What a Week-end

Wow what a week-end at the Sitting Bull Rally, overcast Saturday, but Sunday was a complete change glorious sunshine, we had a local escorting us called Stumpy who took me […]

Are replica’s a lot of work & money for little gain?

These two photo’s are of a replica Indian for sale in Europe, they are a lot of very hard work by usually skilled engineers to achieve a high standard, many […]

Plenty to do,so little time

This month has been very busy with The Great Race,Bikes by the Bay & Sitting Bull Rally (this weekend for the latter) chucked in the middle has been a rally […]

Great Race a great success

The 20th annual Great Race concluded yesterday, and was spectacularly successful. Some 160 Indians & Harley’s were paired up for the two-day jaunt around the Snowy Mountains, with over 220 […]