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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Worth a View? I think so

Beside the “bumper” amount of members attending the meeting last night well over 20, we finished early & don’t forget the Sunday Run. Rarely I put non-Indian related items on […]

Are you Cracking Up?

“I’ll send you some photos (see above) of the 47 chief front brake plate cracks I discovered, thanks to the heads up on the IIRA website”.Daryl Colt   So begins a […]

Miscellaneous Matters

Our first General Meeting for the year is next Tuesday night, Book your accommodation at Camperdown for the Lakes & Crates Rally either at Amble Inn 55 931646 or Manifold Motor […]

Vintage Cycle Supply vs Ebay

Vintage Cycle Bay is now in our Links Area it is probably better for Springfield owners as it is easier to manoeuvre around & the parts a reasonably priced click […]