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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

4 Speeds anyone?

Springfield Chiefs are notorious for a few things worthless front brakes and the engine ready to handgrenade going up the highway at 100kph, both easily fixed for under $10k the […]

Rain in the Face report

A couple of weeks ago before the current lockdown we managed the winter rally at Echuca and although chilly we had no rain and a fantastic time was had by […]

The last Day

Members Subs for the Iron Indian Riders are now due, if you have a Motorcycle registered on club (Red) plates they will not be registered after tomorrow. The fee is […]

Complacency will see you heavily fined!

Its the end of the year well financial one anyway and your subs are due again, so if you don’t pay as from the 1st of July your m/cycle is […]