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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Many other subjects

As I said before going to the “Old Dart” that the Members Only area would open in July, this is password protected so as a preview I have copied the […]

You also know your in England when

How Do You Know Your In England? A  fairly reasonable question beside petrol costing $2.06 a litre, weather being fine but raining & cold in just hours, (although nice today), farmers complaining […]

Clubman of the Year Awarded (Rewarded)

    We only have one award in the IIRA, The Clubman of the Year, it was presented last night to Ian (Reg) Rhook. Ian deserves this highly regarded award […]

Indian restorer profile – USA

A bit of interesting reading from the Durango Herald, Colorado, in the USA. “Nestled in the Pine River Valley north of Bayfield, Jeff Grigsby bends metal and sculpts frames, restoring […]