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The Froggies are mad!

Not much about Indians in Paris but very few H-Ferguson’s to be seen, so the French are known for their taste, meanwhile they are in love with Stupid (Smart)cars which they […]

Indian Dakota 4

I dropped in to see Alan Forbes of Indian Motorcycle UK today, a true enthusiest, with a great collection of Springfield Indians & also Edinborough Indians namely the 4 Cylinder […]

1959 Indian-Enfield at N.M.C.M

The National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham U.K is well worth a visit with many hundreds of British motorcycles on display. But one well worth looking at is the N.Y.P.D Police […]

Indians on iTunes

The World’s Fastest Indian is available on iTunes at around $17, which makes it one of the more expensive old movie releases. Still, it’s a great feel-good flick that’s rare […]