Stop Press

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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Ist Anniversary Run a great success

Yesterday’s Run was a great day we got mixed weather, a reasonable turn-out & we met the CEO of Victory Motorcycles in Australia Peter Harvey. Peter is dead keen on […]

Latest News

HEAR YE, HEAR YE, HEAR YE All the latest News Daily, Weekly or Monthly Vic Section IIRA Association General Meetings held last Tuesday of the month (except December- January)Cross Keys […]

YouTube Page is a Hit!

The newly created Image & Videos header that drops down to Youtube Links has been getting plenty of  positive feedback. There has been a fair bit of time spent on this to […]

The Old News

Red Hot News (Click Highlights where necessary) 21/04/11 IIRA Stop Press goes to Blogging All the future news will be in a blog format as I have been told this […]