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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

19,000 hits & more to come, that beats AC-DC & the Beatles

Thats right 19,000 hits to our website in 9 months, or over 2,111 a month I personally believe that it is not only the most up-to-date Indian site in Australia […]

More YouTube Links

Looking into the Willy’s Jeep 70th Anniversary Advert ( see link below) brought a very interesting 1943 Jeep autobiography link which I have added to the library in our YouTube […]

Who was Chief Rain-in-the Face?

  Another member recently asked this as he is the patron of our Association Monthly runs I thought perhaps a history lesson would help, thanks to Wikipedia for the details […]

Have you seen the new Jeep advert?

Just had a  new member mention the 70th Anniversary Jeep advert on TV at the moment (click highlight below), the one where in the beginning the Australian Army is testing the […]