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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Are Things back to normal?

Yes and no with 6 million people to be vaccinated in Victoria alone and at the current rate being “jabbed” at 600 a day we should be done in 27 […]

Anyone for tennis?

You know how I dislike this guy and am I angry its all stuffed again, the Inverloch Rally was abandoned on Friday morning and although we attended and had a […]

A update from the President

Hi AllFollowing on from my recent email, I want to keep you updated on club activities. With border restrictions changing rapidly, we are constantly reviewing our forward activities.Thanks to Richard […]

Meetings are on again!

Guess what as of 23 of February meetings at the Pascoe Vale Hotel are on again as things are seemingly returning to normal. Before that the Midnight Express is on […]