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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Franc Trento”s new Indian

Member Franc Trento just bought this gem and it’s soon to be here, of course Jon Munn has a 1916 unrestored version in our Association already to keep it company, […]

At Last

VicRoads is launching new digital functionality that will enable Club Permits to be renewed online from 31 July 2020. How to renew a Club permit online You can renew a […]

George, king of the kids

It was a nice sunny day and as I had a few extras in the garage doing repairs got them all out on the street. Kids loved it and the […]

East link woes

Recently Associate member Heath received a fine in the mail for not paying his East-Link toll of 0.87cents, apparently he was riding his 1968 Bonneville in June and never paid! […]