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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Another Scout , but this one’s a 741

I have always had a fascination for Scouts mainly the reason I bought a 2015, but recently I was offered this one from an Association member that I had the opportunity […]

recipe for getting cold as well

Last weekends Sunday ride to Antique Motorcycles was really well attended for a winters day, it was followed to our vice-presidents place Crazy Horse Moto for a equally nice BBQ […]

The New website BETA ,we need calendar photos and your subs

Another rally like the All Brit and at the same place in Newstead near Castlemaine, this should be popular hopefully not just a Harley meet. A beta version of the […]

our new clubman of the year

Our Clubman of the year & well deserving of it Richard Onyon, for all the effort and help to our association he has given in the past and especially over […]