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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

So you still think Harley will beat Polaris-Indian

I always have a chuckle when the “knuckle draggers” spout that Harley will outlast Indian, hmm that’s not happening at least in this century. As we know Polaris doesn’t rely […]

Anyone else had this problem?

My 1947 Chief used to break rear spokes after every run annoyingly, and caused me to buy a new pack from Starklite Cycles these were Buchanan stainless spokes and they […]

Not riding because of the weather?

We are at the moment in Autumn and the signs of winter are here with us still with a “bumper” crop of riders (12) at the last ride day we […]

I totally agree

A short time ago I wrote a post on Lethargy will get you want you want and mainly the core subject was members not committing to rides, rallies or even meetings […]