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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

The best accessories

There are lots of accessories on the market when you buy a new bike, genuine or aftermarket a hard choice but sometime the aftermarket parts are better and cheaper, other […]

Another Year and a new committee

With all the changes at your recent AGM we have quite a few new committee members who are enthusiastly ready to help your Association. All the new committee delegates are […]

Harley Friday again, but for how long?

Its getting easier to find this stuff, what with the “wanted warrenty claim” scandal, shares falling, home market sales in decline, and Indian sales and profits rising weekly I’m almost […]

Indian’s in Stockholm

Been all all over Europe this last month and until today hav’nt seen a Indian in any shape or form, well today I heard two in Stockholm and rushed over […]