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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Is the man Mad?

Mark at Zorro’s must be being affected by the cold weather and needs dollars to warm himself, the list he has released below has some “stonking” good deals for a […]

The Gypsy Tour 2018 the Old Hume

    With Chris Horner announcing the Gypsy Tour in 2018 following the old Hume Hwy I can’t wait, obviously it won’t be like the road pictured above pictured over […]

When you have to go this is the way

  I always said to my wife when “I keel over” and you think a motorcycle hearse would be a suitable way to send me off  don’t pick a H-D […]

Usually it’s sockets but mostly collets

A couple of years ago, I had a “Eureka” moment and bought a large rubber mat with lots of holes in it, the seller at Rare Spares assured me that […]